Since the inception of MATFA, our hard work in the community has been noticed by various government, organizations, and news outlets. Below are a few of the awards we have received in the past.

  1. Points of Light Presidential Community Service Award from President George W. Bush

  2. The Governor of California named July 13, "Melanie Washington Day."

  3. LA County award for Woman of the Year Award

  4. The Rickrackers Long Beach Auxiliary awarded Melanie Washington Woman of the Year Award

  5. The Business Woman Association South Bay Division award for Woman of Achievement Award

  6. Various awards from The Boeing Company

  7. Finalist for the Amelia Earhart Award

  8. The Turning Point Magazine Award in the Anti-Violence 

  9. Won the William Allen Award for Volunteer of the Year 

  10. Won the National Conference Community Justice Award

  11. Featured in the Press Telegram, Oakland Tribute, Los Angeles Sentinel, and The Boeing News